Why 7Strategy Group?
What’s in the name?
Why 7Strategy Group? We chose this name because the number seven has been referenced as a number that equals perfection. Coupled together with the word Strategy, we believe that this allows us to stand behind our ability to create the e best solutions and strategic road maps with the best in class technology available.
Second, we developed the 7Strategy Group (7SG) logo to include a Knight chess piece on a shield due to that pieces’ strategic value in the game of chess, as well as, its' ability to adapt and protect valuable resources. 7SG feels the same way about helping our customers by providing that same value, providing agility, awareness of strategic resources, insight necessary to your business requirements.
The five stars below the Knight within the shield represent our partnership and shared commitment to do what’s right for you as our customer and business partner, even when no one is watching.
After following many distinct paths, 7SG teammates have all joined with a unified vision, using lessons learned from military service, corporate stewardship, and life itself to provide a service that exceeds your expectations day one and into the future.
Vision - To be the chosen Strategic Partner
Mission - To shape the strategy for cloud and cyber solutions for our customers
Values - Integrity, Loyalty, Dedication, Service, Transparency, Collaboration